And he lifted his great fist and hit Cheng on the eye socket and split open the corner of his eye so that his eyeball burst out. 然后他举起大拳打在郑屠的眼窝,在他的眼角打出一条口子,眼珠都快掉出来了。
Conclusion Hydroxyapatite is an ideal filling material for eye socket deformity, the operation is simple and conforms to the physiological functioning of eyeball. 结论羟基磷灰石义眼座是理想的眼窝充填材料,此手术方法简单,符合眼球运转功能,达到了眼窝整形与美容的效果。
· RESULTS: The imbedded HA artificial eye mount was stably fixed and the socket of eyeball was fully formed. The appearances of 2 eyes were basically symmetrical and the artificial eyes had certain activities. 结果:本组16例患者植入的HA义眼座体固定稳妥,眼窝成形饱满,安装义眼片后两眼外观基本对称,义眼具有一定的活动度。
Methods Various types of plastic operation of socket of eyeball for hydroxyapatite implantation could be performed according to different conditions of patients, the clinical effects were compared and analyzed. 方法据病眼条件采用不同术式的HA植入眼窝成形术,并对其手术效果进行比较分析。
14 cases of socket depressed after the extraction of eyeball. 眼球摘除后,眼窝凹陷的患者14例。